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Stockholm English Speaking Theatre

Nuova collaborazione in casa Tofu & Peperoncino: da qualche giorno abbiamo iniziato a collaborare con lo Stockholm English Speaking Theatre, una compagnia teatrale svedese che mette in scena spettacoli con attori provenienti da diversi Paesi utilizzando la lingua inglese come strumento di comunanza, dove l’ensemble viene prima del singolo individuo, esplorando attraverso la lingua diverse tematiche. Lo Stockholm English Speaking Theatre collabora anche con scuole e aziende con dei workshop personalizzati.

Tofu & Peperoncino si occuperà dell’aggiornamento del sito Web della compagnia ( e dell’implementazione di grafiche a supporto della comunicazione.


Ecco la presentazione in lingua inglese dell’attività della compagnia:

SEST was founded in 2010 by Samuele Caldognetto, Kristina Leon and Ingela Lundh, all of whom have trained and worked professionally in Italy and The United Kingdom respectively for over 10 years. In 2011 SEST was joined by a new company member, the actor and assistant director Cheryl Murphy.

Our vision for SEST is a company based on joint dedication where the ensemble comes first and not the individual actor, a desire to explore language and vastly contrasting themes using and mixing our different training methods from our respective countries.

In the summer of 2012 SEST performed outdoors for the very first time with Shakespeare in the Park – As We Like, a mixture of the best bits from the Bard, at venues such as Hallwylska Palatset, Observatoriemuseet and Parkteatern (Galärvarvet). The production was a collaboration with Stockholm’s Stadsteater and was funded by Stockholms Stad.

We want to reach out to a wide audience of both native English speakers, Swedes and other nationalities where English is the second language.

SEST also reaches out to schools, colleges and corporate companies with custom-made workshops. The workshops can be adapted to students of all ages, corporations and private associations, incorporating voice-training, movement and improvisation as well as performances of extracts from plays by well known playwrights.